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TypedRest helps you build type-safe, fluent-style REST API clients. Common REST patterns such as collections are represented as classes, allowing you to write more idiomatic code.

var client = new MyClient(new Uri(""));

// GET /contacts
List<Contact> contactList = await client.Contacts.ReadAllAsync();

// POST /contacts -> Location: /contacts/1337
ContactEndpoint smith = await client.Contacts.CreateAsync(new Contact {Name = "Smith"});
//ContactEndpoint smith = client.Contacts["1337"];

// GET /contacts/1337
Contact contact = await smith.ReadAsync();

// PUT /contacts/1337/note
await smith.Note.SetAsync(new Note {Content = "some note"});

// GET /contacts/1337/note
Note note = await smith.Note.ReadAsync();

// DELETE /contacts/1337
await smith.DeleteAsync();
MyClient client = new MyClient(URI.create(""));

// GET /contacts
List<Contact> contactList = client.getContacts().readAll();

// POST /contacts -> Location: /contacts/1337
ContactEndpoint smith = client.getContacts().create(new Contact("Smith"));
//ContactEndpoint smith = client.getContacts().get("1337");

// GET /contacts/1337
Contact contact =;

// PUT /contacts/1337/note
smith.getNote().set(new Note("some note"));

// GET /contacts/1337/note
Note note = smith.getNote().read();

// DELETE /contacts/1337
val client = MyClient(URI.create(""))

// GET /contacts
val contactList: List<Contact> = client.contacts.readAll()

// POST /contacts -> Location: /contacts/1337
val smith: ContactEndpoint = client.contacts.create(Contact("Smith"))
//val smith: ContactEndpoint = client.contacts["1337"]

// GET /contacts/1337
val contact: Contact =

// PUT /contacts/1337/note
smith.note.set(Note("some note"))

// GET /contacts/1337/note
val note: Note =

// DELETE /contacts/1337
const client = new MyClient(new URL(""));

// GET /contacts
const contactList: Contact[] = await client.contacts.readAll();

// POST /contacts -> Location: /contacts/1337
const smith: ContactEndpoint = await client.contacts.create({name: "Smith"});
//const smith: ContactEndpoint = client.contacts.get("1337");

// GET /contacts/1337
const contact: Contact = await;

// PUT /contacts/1337/note
await smith.note.set({content: "some note"});

// GET /contacts/1337/note
const note: Note = await;

// DELETE /contacts/1337
await smith.delete();


What is TypedRest and how can it help me?
Getting Started
How do I use TypedRest in my projects?
Documentation for all endpoint types provided by TypedRest.
Error handling
How to handle API errors with TypedRest.
Link handling
How to handle relative URIs, link headers, HATEOS, etc. with TypedRest.
Code generation
Auto-generate code for TypedRest from Swagger/OpenAPI sepc.